Anavar vs Winstrol for Cutting, Bulking for Females
Working of Anavar:
Anavar is also known as Oxandrolone and is an anabolic oral steroid that was created in 1962 to give a lean muscle mass to the user who was suffering from weight loss. The main purpose of this medicine was to create a very mild drug that can be used by men as well as women and have fewer side effects.
It is a very effective medicine mostly used for the treatment of different problems like osteoporosis as it increases bone mineral density, burns, infections, and recovery from an operation. This medicine is effective for both of genders.
In Anavar Vs Winstrol the Anavar is mostly used by bodybuilders, athletes in the cutting cycle, to reduce fat and build muscle. This medicine increases the strength of the user and the ability to work more.
Dose of the medicine which is anabolic steroids differ from person to person. The dose of the medicine recommended by the doctor varies due to age, gender and the physical or mental problems. The mild dose given to a person is 2.5mg and the severe or extreme dose is 20mg given in a day in different segments.
Dose recommended to men: 20 to 50mg per day.
Dose recommended to women: 5 to 15 per day.
You can get the required result from the mild dose or from an extreme or high dose which depends on your body adsorption strength.
Direction to use:
It is an oral medicine and is reco3by the doctor depending on the factors like age, gender, weight and the requirement. But you must take this dose on a daily basis to get better results.
What happens if I suddenly stop using Anavar?
If a person immediately stops using it he or she will face the consequences which can be mild or severe. It all depends on the dose of the medicine.
Anavar side effects:
Every steroid has some side effects depending on the severity of your dose. The side effects observed in a patient after its use are:
Working of Winstrol:
Winstrol is AAS (androgen and anabolic steroid) which is a very popular oral medicine which is taken through the mouth. Due to its short active life which is 8 hours it is very popular among the athletes, bodybuilders and the people suffering from low testosterone hormone. The athletes and bodybuilders use this steroid in their daily life to attain muscle mass, body power and a lean muscle mass. Winstrol is an ideal steroid for bodybuilders due to its fast and better results.
If you are very conscious about your muscle mass and you want to attain a lean body muscle mass so you have got the right product which will work according to the expectation and give the desired lean muscle mass.
The dosage of the medicine is different for different people according to the medical condition, physical problem and the gender. The doctor first suggests you have a blood test then this steroid.
Most of the doctors recommended dose is for almost 6 weeks and not more than that due to its side effects. The person should not take any gap so as to gain the required results. If you want to buy this steroid in the UK you should order it from an online steroid store to get the genuine product at your doorstep.
Is Winstrol suitable for females?
Females have to limit themselves in using the steroids because many steroids are useful for men’s and are not suitable for women due to its component which causes male characteristics in females. But Winstrol is the steroid which is used for Cutting and Bulking in males as well as in females because it burns fat, does not give extra muscle mass and give you a desired lean body. So most of the doctors recommend this steroid to the females who want to be a bodybuilders but also want to save their feminist qualities.
Directions for use:
It is an oral steroid so the person takes it through their mouth after guidance from their doctor but still if you have any difficulty you can read the leaflet which is given with the medicine.
What happens if I suddenly stop using Winstrol?
Winstrol is a powerful steroid that will cause acne, tiredness and nausea which will last for weeks or months.
Side effects of Winstrol:
Winstrol is an ideal medicine but we all know that medicines also have some side effects which can be mild or severe.
Below are some of the side effects which were reported after its use:
- Liver problem
- Acne
- Masculinization
- Nausea
- Tiredness
- Water Retention
- Mood Changes
Anavar vs Winstrol:
Both the medicines are very effective oral steroids that are used for cutting and bulking. They both are used to burn fat, muscle building, and increase estrogen levels but on the other side it also increases dryness in the body of the user.
In Anavar Vs Winstrol the Winstrol is a strong steroid as compared to anavar and the results of Winstrol is also very fast as compared to Anavar because it is a mild drug.
In Anavar Vs Winstrol the Winstrol side effects are also more than Anavar because Anavar does not cause liver hypnosis but Winstrol can cause this. Anavar is safe for the beginner and for the cutting cycle but Winstrol is not recommended to beginners.
So as compared to the winstrol anavar has fewer side effects and more advantages so most of the female bodybuilders like to use it.
Where to buy Anavar and Winstrol:
You can buy Anavar or can buy Winstrol in the UK from an online steroid shop after getting a prescription from your doctor as it is an online store on which steroids are on sale also so you can get it at a low price at your doorstep within a few hours. But always keep one thing in mind that no steroid is given to the customer without the medical slip given by the doctor and according to the recommended dose.