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  • #228888

    Is it perfectly acceptable to add in Deca in the last stages of a test e cycle and still reap some of the benefits

    Tyrell Diaz Stevens

    Just finishing up my first cycle this week. Just looking for any advice on next steps?

    Ive got the details for PCT, juts checking if there is anything else I can take in the mean time. And then what to to in the next cycle.


    Daniel Knowsley

    Yes, it’s acceptable to add Deca towards the end of a Test E cycle. It can help with joint relief and add muscle gains, but it’s important to monitor for side effects and ensure proper PCT after the cycle.

    Daniel Knowsley

    After finishing your first cycle, focus on your PCT to restore natural hormone levels.
    In the meantime, stick to a solid diet and training plan to maintain gains.
    For the next cycle, consider a different compound or a stack, but make sure to allow enough recovery time (usually 8-12 weeks) before starting again.


    It’s not my first cycle, I’ve done a fair few, but test and deca isn’t one of them, yes I’m aware of sides and pct off, thanks for the info


    Hi im about to go on my second cycle of test prop and sus 250 so u think this is ok for bulking up.
    My first cycle was sus 250 and tren i just need some solid advice on whats best for bulking thanks

    Daniel Knowsley

    Test Prop and Sustanon 250 are good for bulking. Consider adding Deca or Equipoise for extra gains.

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