Leading Trusted Steroids Source Forums Steroid and Testosterone information Test E Cycle Secrets: Elevate Your Training to the Next Level” Reply To: Test E Cycle Secrets: Elevate Your Training to the Next Level”

Daniel Knowsley

no worries mate got you, Here is your problem solution;
For your cycle with Test E (400mg/week), here’s a brief guide:

Aromatization & Estradiol:

Arimidex (Anastrozole): Start with 0.25mg every other day. Increase if needed, based on symptoms (e.g., water retention, gyno).
Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 20mg/day for 4-6 weeks after your cycle ends to help restore natural testosterone levels.
Syringes: Use 1ml syringes with 25-27 gauge needles for injections.

So, with Test E, Arimidex, and Tamoxifen, your cycle and PCT should be covered.


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