Leading Trusted Steroids Source Forums Steroid and Testosterone information Test E Cycle Secrets: Elevate Your Training to the Next Level” Reply To: Test E Cycle Secrets: Elevate Your Training to the Next Level”


Hello, excuse me, I’m asking again. In a few days I’ll be ordering Test E for 14 weeks, 400mg (2 bottles), but I need more help with estradiol and aromatization. I don’t understand what to take and when to take it. What dosage? Some say tamoxifen, others arimidex. Please can you explain to me a little better what I have to buy and when to use it, a little more specifically, and for the post-cycle, is tamoxifen enough for me or should I take something else? 1 tablet per day (is 20mg enough). I want to place my order and be sure of what I’m doing. Thank you very much for your support always!
I have in my kart 2 teste E300 1 arrimidex and 1 tamoxifen its enough for cicle and post cicle? What siringes is the best! Sorry for to much questions!


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